Padule di Fucecchio

23 August 1944 , Toscana
On 23 August 1944, the 26th Panzer Division conducted a 'mopping up' operation in the Fucecchio marshes with the stated goal of eliminating partisan groups. However, the partisans could not be found. Instead, civilian persons from the surrounding farms became the sole victims of the operation.
Out of the total victims, 62 individuals, approximately one-third, were women. Additionally, there were 25 children under the age of 14 years old killed. The victims also included 26 elderly individuals over the age of 60. The age range of those killed was particularly wide, spanning from a 5-month-old infant to a 93-year-old. The nature of the killings, often carried out through point-blank shooting with automatic weapons, indicates a deliberate intent to massacre civilians.
The conduct of the participating units varied significantly: while certain soldiers diligently followed orders to kill civilians, others quickly grasped the operation had descended into the massacre of non-combatants and refused to participate in shooting innocent people.
- Involved Unit
Panzer Reconnaissance battalion 26, Panzergrenadier Regiment 9, Engineering Battalion 93
- Commander
- Culprits
Oberst Peter Eduard Crasemann, Rittmeister Josef Strauch
- Victims
- Investigations and processes
1947: Peter Eduard Crasemann is sentenced to 10 years in prison by a British military court in Padua.
1948: The military court of Florence sentences Josef Strauch to 6 years in prison.
2011: Verdicts of Rome military court (investigations were initiated by La Spezia prosecutor’s office)): three in absentia sentences of life in prison, two of which are confirmed the following year by appeals court (one sentence null and void because of death of the accused).
- Armed forces

The massacre
Partisans and civilians take shelter in the marshes
The extent to which the soldiers tried to advance into the part of the marsh where the partisans were hiding remains uncertain. The partisans remained largely undetected.
The massacre and its victims
Responsibility of the various units
Already a few hours after the operation began, fleeing and injured civilians reached the villages on the edge of the marsh area and spread news of the massacre.
Coverup efforts
Ermittlungen und Prozesse
Strauch asserted that Crasemann personally assigned him the task of annihilating ‘bandits’ in the marshes, with all civilians encountered in the deployment-area meant to be considered partisans and killed, regardless of age or sex.
The trials of Crasemann and Strauch
Investigation of the La Spezia military prosecutor and the 2011 Rome trial
The German government’s engagement
Statements by German soldiers
The massacre of Padule die Fucecchio has hardly left a trace in German military documents. Noteworthy is Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv file RH 27-26/40, containing excerpts from the private diary of Leutnant Leopold von Buch with references to the massacre. Additional documents are kept in the files of correspondence of the high command of the 14th Army (RH 20-14) and esp. in documents of the XIV Panzer Corps, kept in archives in Moscow (CAMO, Bestand 500, Findbuch 12475); now digitalized and accessible online:
The documentation of the division’s crimes is kept in the U.S. National Archives, College Park, MD, The British National Archives (Kew), the Ludwigsburg Central Office, and the archives of the Italian military prosecutor, Rome.
National Archives, College Park, Maryland (NARA): Record Group 153, Entry 143, Box 529, Case 16-81, Incidents at Ponte Buggianese, Fucecchio Swamps, Larciano, Monsummano, Montecatini Terme.
The National Archives (TNA), WO 235/335, Defendant: Peter Crasemann, Padua): WO 310/104-105, Fucecchio Marshes, Pistoia, Italy: German war crimes against civilians 1944. am
Zentrale Stelle der Landesjustizverwaltungen zur Aufklärung nationalsozialistischer Verbrechen, Ludwigsburg, Verfahren Nr. V 518 AR 3226/66; Verfahren Nr. V 518 AR 3231/66.
The documents kept in the archives of the Rome military court concern the investigations and trials organized in Italy.
Michele Battini, Paolo Pezzino, Guerra ai civili. Occupazione tedesca e politica del massacro: Toscana 1944, Venice, Marsilio, 1997, pp. 143-165.
Claudio Biscarini, Morte in Padule. 23 agosto 1944: analisi di una strage, Edizioni dell'Erba, Fucecchio, 2014.
Vasco Ferretti, Vernichten. Eccidio del Padule di Fucecchio: 23 agosto 1944. Analisi storica della strage attraverso gli atti del processo di Venezia, Maria Pacini Fazzi, Lucca, 1988.
Carlo Gentile,
Authorship and translation
Autor: Carlo Gentile
Translated from German by: Joel Golb
© Project ‘The Massacres in Occupied Italy (1943-1945): Integrating the Perpetrators’ Memories’