Friedrich Wilhelm Konrad Siegfried Engel
* 3 January 1909 –
Warnau an der Havel (Sachsen-Anhalt)
† 4 February 2006 –
Starting in 1944, Siegfried Engel played a leading role in the massacres committed by German forces in Upper Italy and in the deportation of Italian Jews. He was active in Genoa as head of the Außenkommando (‘external headquarters’) of the Security Police and
In Germany, Engel would only be convicted of a crime in 2002: this was for his role in the massacre at the Turchino Pass. He was not brought to justice in either Italy or Germany for his other crimes. His ascent in the institutions of the Nazi state, as well as his sluggish prosecution after the war, are exemplary for the life-course of prominent Nazi perpetrators.
Engel had an academic background. He was already a member of the Nazi Party and SA in the early 1930s and joined the SD in 1934. From the following year onward, he was integrated into the RSHA (the Reich Security Main Office), responsible for training cadres of the Security Police and SD.
After the war Engel was arrested but escaped in 1946, then lived under a false name until 1954. Although he was interrogated in the 1980s and even accused of crimes, he was only convicted in the 1990s in Italy and in 2002 in Germany. He was never incarcerated. In the postwar years he preferred the first name Friedrich.
- Joined the NSDAP
- Membership no. 1.305.576 (1 Oct. 1932)
- Armed force
- Unit
- Außenkommando of Security Police and SD Genoa
- Years of service
- 1936 – 1945
- Rank
- SS-Obersturmbannführer
- Offensive
Norway 1940
Occupation of Italy 1944-45 - Confirmed Massacres
Benedicta (Alessandria)
Passo del Turchino (Genoa)
Portofino (Genoa)
Cravasco (Genoa) - Post war period
Lived in Hamburg and worked as an agent in an import firm.
1960s-1980s: interrogated as a witness in various investigations of Nazi crimes.
1969: Proceeding on account of war crimes in Italy; terminated.
2002: Trial in Hamburg. Sentenced to seven years in prison; overturned on appeal.
Training and war experience
Early years and academic background
Political socialization and entry into Nazi Party
As a National Socialist intellectual, Engel was responsible for indoctrination within the RSHA. He had great influence on the training of the Security Police and SD men who would constitute the Einsatz (mobile killing) squads in the East. His vision of early modern and modern German history was based on the idea of a long struggle of a threatened ‘northern race of rulers’ for liberation from Romanic rule and Catholic universalism.
A Wartime Political Instructor
‘Today, 1942, we have entered the last stage of this third Thirty Years’ War. The new peace that will victoriously end the third Thirty Years’ War and with it three centuries of struggle for German unity at the same time also brings with it the final overcoming of the Treaty of Westphalia of 1648. And this time – we all know this – there will be no half decisions.’
In Italy: At the head of the Security Police and SD in Genoa
Engel’s men participated in numerous executions by shooting of partisans and anti-fascists at various locations in occupied Liguria. The following massacres are the most well-known: the massacre at the Turchino Pass, in the Benedicta Chapel, on Monte Tobbio, in Portofino, and in Cravasco.
Participation in massacres of civilians
Torture and reprisals under Engel’s command
Arrest and deportation of Jews, striking workers, and forced labourers
The postwar period
Arrest, flight, and amnesty
Investigations and trials in Germany
Engel’s mid-1990s Turin trial in absentia
The German public only became aware of Engel and his conviction in an Italian court on 12 April 2001 through the nationally broadcast political TV-journal Kontraste. For this edition, journalists René Althammer and Udo Gümpel had reconstructed the massacre at the Turchino Pass.
The Kontraste broadcast of 12 April 2001
The 2002 Hamburg trial
It would have been good, if I had had more civil courage.
The SS personnel files are kept in the German Federal Archives, Berlin, R 9361-II/210036, R 9361-III/39025, and R 9361-III/523093. On Engel’s life after the war, see the verdict reached at the Hamburg trial and the BGH appeal. Some biographical information is available on the Internet.
Christian Ingrao, Hitlers Elite. Die Wegbereiter des nationalsozialistischen Massenmords, Berlin, Ullstein, 2012 (licensed edition for the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Bonn 2012). pp. 48, 63, 65, 71, 85f., 112, 152, 206, 239f., 330.
Ingo von Münch: Geschichte vor Gericht. Der Fall Engel, Hamburg, Ellert und Richter, 2004.
Pier Paolo Rivello, Il processo Engel, Recco, Le Mani, 2005.
Pier Paolo Rivello: Quale giustizia per le vittime dei crimini nazisti? L’eccidio della Benedicta e la strage del Turchino tra Storia e Diritto, Turin, Giappichelli editore, 2002.
Michael Wildt, Generation des Unbedingten. Das Führungskorps des
Authorship and translation
Author: Carlo Gentile
Translated from German by: Joel Golb
© Project ‘The Massacres in Occupied Italy (1943-1945): Integrating the Perpetrators’ Memories’