A black and white portrait of Willfried Segebrecht in SS uniform without a cap. His head is turned slightly to the left of the camera.
A portrait of Willfried Segebrecht in SS uniform. The men under his command are responsible for the actions in Vinca. The massacres in the Cadotto area are also attributed to them. © BArch, R 9361-III/191417

Willfried Segebrecht

* "20 December 1919" – Anklam (Pomerania)
† " 8 January 1993" – Kirchheim unter Teck (Baden-Württemberg)

Willfried Segebrecht led the 1st Company of the Reconnaissance battalion of the ‘Reichsführer-SS division. The massacres in Vinca and in the area of Cadotto near Monte Sole are attributed to his men. 

Segebrecht became a member of the Nazi Party and the Waffen-SS in 1939.

In the postwar period, he lived a normal life in Kirchheim unter Teck and was an active member in the ‘comradeship association’ of the 16th SS Panzergrenadier Division.

Following his death, he received the Badge of Honour of the state of Baden-Württemberg and the Citizens' Medal of the town of Kirchheim for his postwar civic engagement.

Army branch
Joined the NSDAP
Member no. 7.156.365 (1 Sept. 1939)
Armed force
SS Mountain Division ‘North’
SS Panzer Reconnaissance Division 16
16th SS Panzergrenadier Division ‘Reichsführer SS’
Years of service
Balkans, Soviet Union
Occupation of Italy 1944-45
Confirmed Massacres

Vinca, Monte Sole

Bardine, Valla


Post war period

Entrepreneur in Kirchheim unter Teck

Civic engagement

Never brought to justice for participation in actions in Vinca and Monte Sole

Nazi influence and war experience

A black and white photo showing a row of SS soldiers from the right. Behind them is another SS man. The men are standing on the lawn of a sports field, a large house can be seen in the background.
A sports field in Oradea (Romania) on 20 April 1944. SS-Obersturmführer Willfried Segebrecht and the 1st Platoon of the 1st Company of the Reconnaissance Battalion moved out together. © Privat archive. Nils Olger, Vienne

Beteiligung an Massakern an Zivilisten

Segebrecht fought with the Reconnaissance Battalion in the Apuan Alps and Monte Sole. On 24 Aug. 1944, his soldiers moved along the street of Monzone directly to Vinca. In Monte Sole, the massacre in the Cadotto region is attributed to them.

The postwar period


Segebrecht’s SS-personnel files are kept in the German Federal Archives in Berlin (R 9361-III/191417 und R 9361-III/556275). Information about his company’s role in the massacres can be found in cards concerning the Reder trial kept in the military court in Rome. For losses suffered by his unit see: Bundesarchiv in Berlin (German Federal Archives in Berlin), PA (Personenbezogene Auskünfte - Personal information), Berlin. For information on his business relations with Willi A. Fiedler, see papers of Fiedler kept in the Stanford Univ. Library.


Carlo Gentile, Wehrmacht und Waffen-SS im Partisanenkrieg: Italien 1943-1945, Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2012, pp. 242f., 248, 276, 293.

Joachim Staron, Fosse Ardeatine und Marzabotto. Deutsche Kriegsverbrechen und Resistenza. Geschichte und nationale Mythenbildung in Deutschland und Italien (1944-1999), Padeborn etc., Schöningh, 2002, pp. 86, 93.

Barbara Tóth, Der Handschlag. Die Affäre Frischenschlager-Reder, mit einem Nachwort von Friedhelm Frischenschlager, Innsbruck, Studien-Verlag, 2017.

Authorship and translation

Author: Carlo Gentile

Translated from German by: Joel Golb

© Project ‘The Massacres in Occupied Italy (1943-1945): Integrating the Perpetrators’ Memories’


Text: CC BY NC SA 4.0
