Georg-Hennig Hans von Heydebreck
* 27 December 1903 –
Potsdam (Brandenburg)
† 12 April 1976 –
Ahrensburg (Schleswig-Holstein)
In 1944, Georg-Hennig von Heydebreck led the Panzer regiment of the ‘Hermann Göring’ Division in Italy. In April 1944, he led a series of operations against partisans in the area of Florence and Arezzo. In the course of these operations, atrocities and massacres were perpetrated against the civilian population, especially in the Vallucciole mountain village.
Von Heydebreck came from an old Pomeranian family. He was one of the officer candidates at the Munich Infantry School who participated in the November 1923 Hitler putsch. Later he received the so-called Blood Order of the Nazi Party for this activity, although he was never a party member.
After the war, in the course of denazification proceedings he was obliged to furnish information about his participation in the Munich putsch. He was never brought to justice for his participation in the crimes of the ‘Hermann Göring’ Division in Italy.
- Nationality
- German
- Religion
- Protestant
- Formation
- Reichswehr und Wehrmacht
- Army branch
- Army
- Joined the NSDAP
- Not a member
- Armed force
- Years of service
- 1922-1945
- Rank
- Oberst
- Offensive
Poland 1939
France 1940
Eastern Front 1941-1943
Italy 1943-1944 - Confirmed Massacres
Monte Morello
Monte Falterona
Vallucciole - Post war period
Leading position in automobile industry
Reserve officer in Bundeswehr
Training and experience in the war
Family background and participation in the Munich putsch
At the front

In June 1943, Heydebreck was promoted to Oberst and assigned to the ‘Hermann Göring’ Panzer Division, stationed in Italy. In April 1944, he led anti-partisan operations in the area of Florence and Arezzo.
Participation in massacres of civilians
In Italy with the ‘Hermann Göring’ Panzer Division
In 1947, Heydebreck underwent denazification proceedings. He had to furnish information about the Hitler putsch of 9 Nov. 1923 and his receipt of the so-called Blood Order. During these proceedings, he indicated nothing about his time in the ‘Hermann Göring’ Division.
The postwar period
Denazification and political engagement
Claus-Joachim v. Heydebreck
Personnel files of the
Claus Heinrich Bill/Hans Georg von Heydebreck, 750 Jahre Heydebrecks. Die Familie v. Heydebreck vom Mittelalter bis heute 1254-2004, Limburg an der Lahn, Starke Verlag, 2004, pp. 243-266.
Carlo Gentile, Wehrmacht und Waffen-
Authorship and translation
Author: Carlo Gentile
Translated from German by: Joel Golb
© Project ‘The Massacres in Occupied Italy (1943-1945): Integrating the Perpetrators’ Memories’